Top tips, bitesize lessons, how to guides, and plenty of golden nuggets to support you as you grow your dream business.
Helen: a journey of discovery and empowerment
When Helen approached me, she had recently been diagnosed with ADHD in her late twenties. She wanted to also work with a coach to put in some processes to develop routines and habits (as these didn’t come automatically to Helen), as well as to find some direction for her life as she felt like she bounced from job to job, never really finding the right fit.
Enhancing productivity and well-being: nurturing a healthy work-life balance
Finding a balance between professional responsibilities and personal well-being can be challenging in our fast-paced and demanding world. However, by adopting effective strategies, we can achieve a healthy work-life balance, enhance productivity, and reduce stress.
Building resilience in times of adversity: nurturing strength and positivity in challenging moments
Life is full of ups and downs, and navigating challenging times can be daunting. However, building resilience empowers us to face adversity with strength, adaptability, and a positive mindset.
The benefits of working with a life coach
If you're looking for the tl;dr, as we called it back in the day (too long, didn't read), ultimately, working with a life coach has one massive benefit: they support you to reach your goals faster.
How to find time for self-care in a busy schedule
When you think about self-care, what do you think of? You might be imagining luxury spas and cucumber slices. If you're about to close this tab thinking, I don't have the time, money, or bandwidth to stop and take myself down to a fancy spa, then wait.
Rediscovering joy and happiness in everyday life
Did you know that joy is considered the most contagious of all emotions? Seeing someone genuinely happy can light up our day and make us feel more positive.
Exploring the impact of stress on your well-being
Everyone gets stressed. And when it comes to our well-being, stress is probably one of the most common factors in letting self-care habits slip. Stress can also sneak up on you; before you know it, you're nibbling at your cuticles.
Dealing with negative emotions through self-care
We all have negative emotions - it's part of being human. But what do you do when those negative emotions start to take over? When they start affecting your work, relationships, and day-to-day life? That's where self-care comes in.
Cultivating self-compassion through self-care
Self-compassion is a powerful mental tool that can help us weather life's storms and emerge stronger. But what exactly is self-compassion, and how can we cultivate it?
Storytime for scrappy biz owners
Every Wednesday, I slide into inboxes to share a story from my personal life that segues into a snack-able marketing lesson or insight for when you only have scraps of time.
So, if you like your marketing with a side of storytelling, sign up now!