You’re a small business owner with four minutes to work on your content marketing and no clue where to begin.

Everyone tells you that consistency builds a business but you’re inconsistent by circumstance. You’re constantly multitasking under stress.

Because you’re trying to squeeze a 40-hour work week into tiny scraps of time: like nap times, respite care, and when pain is paused.

But what if the way forward was to say fuck consistency, we’re pushing for persistency instead?

Let’s use those pockets of time to persist in building a biz that works for you, your life, and your goals.

Running your small business without
running yourself into the ground

99% of my clients have approximately four minutes of free time, and they’ll spend most of it enjoying a quiet doom scroll alone in the bathroom.

They’ve got big responsibilities and even bigger dreams of a flexible business that can support their lives and all its moving parts. And if you’re anything like my clients, you’re trying to squeeze a 40-hour work week into scraps of time.

Your days are full of long to do lists and little pockets of time, which don’t really go hand-in-hand, you’re multitasking under stress to build a business when the stars align.

It’s rough but believe me, I get it.

Hi, I’m Saloni, a Content Strategist, Copywriter and Small Business Coach, and my superpower is making those scraps of time count by creating plans to get you from a to b without running yourself into the ground.

The Content Catapult:
the ultimate content marketing membership
for small business owners

When asked about their content marketing, nearly every one of my client’s has said some variation of: I have no idea what I’m doing.

They might have been playing around with Instagram or have a website but they just don’t have the tools or knowledge to connect the dots.

And why would they?

They went into business to sell hats or support their clients through the big changes in their lives. Becoming a digital marketing expert hadn’t really been on the cards when they wanted to start a small business.

Solve your content connundrum in less time than it takes to cook a roast dinner

It doesn’t seem like a long time, but you wouldn’t believe what we can achieve together in 90 minutes.

You’re short on time, money, and energy, so don’t spend weeks trying to figure it out alone when we could tackle it together in less time than it takes to roast a chicken and throw some potatoes in the oven.

Nice things that have been said about me

learn with loni

If you’re at the starting line of your business or in that messy middle bit where you’re still DIYing everything yourself, I’ve got you.

Learn with loni is my series of step by step guides to get you moving in the right direction and supporting your business to grow, whatever stage you’re at.


Looking to boost your biz but you’ve only got 15 minutes to spend on your content marketing and not sure where to start? You’re in the right place.

Dive into handholdy how to’s, storytelling strategies, and tips for showing up as yourself in your content marketing so you can make the most of nap time.

Storytime for scrappy biz owners

Every Wednesday, I slide into inboxes to share a story from my personal life that segues into a snack-able marketing lesson or insight for when you only have scraps of time.

So, if you like your marketing with a side of storytelling, sign up now!

Snackable stories and strategy