What if feeling like you again could start with just
5 mins a day?

With A Year of Self-Care: The Ultimate Guide and Journal, feeling like you again could be closer than you think. Are you ready to feel like yourself again?

Does this sound familiar?

Do you always…

  • Feel like you're spinning a thousand plates but something always seems ready to drop or fall?

  • Wish you could give yourself just a fraction of the love and care you give to everyone else?

  • Promise yourself you'll start taking care of yourself tomorrow, but tomorrow never seems to come?

Learn to fill your cup and...


Build habits 

Prioritise your joy


Check in with yourself

All in less than five minutes a day

Packed full of activities, habit tracking, inspirational quotes, I created A Year of Self-Care: The Ultimate Guide & Journal using my experience in coaching and positive psychology. So often I work with clients who feel like they’re always playing the supporting actor role, even in their own lives. Between juggling work, caring responsibilities, a social life, and everything else that fills up our plates, it’s easy to forget that we’re supposed to be the main character in our lives. Our cups get empty, our resilience falls out the window, and we’re burnt to a crisp. 

Are you ready to make space for you in your life? 

Taking care of yourself doesn't have to be one more thing on your to-do list or break the bank. I’ve been where you are but A Year of Self-Care: The Ultimate Guide and Journal is here to help you sprinkle a little love and attention back into your life, even if you're juggling a million responsibilities. Five minutes a day is all it takes to get your life back on-track and you in the driving seat.

Here’s how A Year of Self-Care could transform your life

Sneak in bite-sized self-care moments amidst the chaos of your day

Dive deep into daily self-care practices designed to create lasting change

Rediscover the vibrant, authentic you - beyond the roles you play in your life

Embrace a journey of self-discovery and growth that spans an entire year

What’s included?

A comprehensive guide packed with a year's worth of self-care wisdom and inspiration

Daily prompts and activities to guide you on your transformative journey

Thought-provoking journaling exercises to foster self-reflection and mindfulness

Habit trackers and progress logs to celebrate your growth and achievements

and so much more for just £9.99!

Hi, I’m Saloni!

I created A Year of Self-Care: The Ultimate Guide and Journal because I've witnessed so many incredible people feeling lost in the shuffle of their busy lives. They pour their hearts into their relationships, careers, and passions, but somehow, they always seem to find themselves last in the long list of priorities. 

And believe me, I've been there too. I know what it's like to feel overwhelmed, disconnected, and constantly playing catch-up with your own needs.

But here's the thing - I believe with all my heart that self-care is not just a luxury, but a necessity. It's about reclaiming your time, your identity, and your joy amidst the chaos of life. 

With my background as a certified life coach, with qualifications in wellbeing coaching, positive psychology and NLP, I've walked alongside countless individuals on their journey to self-discovery and empowerment.

And let me tell you, seeing their transformations has been the most rewarding experience of my life. That's why I poured my heart and soul into creating A Year of Self-Care: The Ultimate Guide and Journal.

Because I want you to know that you are worthy of love, of care, and of prioritising yourself. And with this journal by your side, I'm here to help you every step of the way.

But don’t just take my word for it…

I've been wanting to get better at
self care but never really know where to start. I found this journal and initially bought it because it stood out with its bright colours. Inside it’s got all sorts of tips and ideas of self care as well as places to write your own ideas and nice quotes to read through. It's great to be able to sit down for a few minutes and read through, fill in bits and will hopefully help me stick to a better self care routine.


I really wanted to start journaling but didn’t really know where to start. Thankfully this is the perfect starting place. It has helpful tips throughout, nice check ins and inspirational quotes. I absolutely love the vibrant colours, usually these types of notebooks are plain and can be a bit boring however not this journal! Love it all, has helped me start journaling and I feel so good, I can feel the benefits already and I’ve only had it a week!


I wanted to make time for more self-care in my day but it's just felt like another thing to do and make time for. Then a friend recommended this journal because it was really colourful and easy to dip in and out of. I love that it was almost a gateway for more space for self-care in my day as I've found myself being more conscious of making time for me in my day and week!
Absolutely recommend!



  • A Year of Self-Care: The Ultimate Guide and Journal is a comprehensive digital product that includes a year-long guide filled with daily self-care prompts, activities, journaling exercises, habit trackers, and bonus resources to support your self-care journey. It's crafted with love and expertise to help you cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and wellbeing.

  • A Year of Self-Care: The Ultimate Guide and Journal is £9.99.

  • A Year of Self-Care: The Ultimate Guide and Journal stands out for its comprehensive year-long approach to self-care, providing daily support and guidance to help you create lasting habits and transformations. Unlike other products, it offers a holistic journey of self-discovery and growth, tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. In just 5-10 minutes a day, you’ll build habits.

  • A Year of Self-Care: The Ultimate Guide and Journal is suitable for anyone looking to prioritise their wellbeing and cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and care. Whether you're a busy professional, a parent, a student, or anyone in between, this journal is designed to support you on your journey to a happier, healthier you.

  • A Year of Self-Care: The Ultimate Guide and Journal may not be suitable for individuals seeking quick fixes or overnight solutions.

  • I’m confident that you'll love A Year of Self-Care: The Ultimate Guide and Journal. Since your purchase is a digital product, it is deemed “used” after download or opening, and all purchases are non-refundable or exchangeable. Since the products made available here are intangible, there is a strict no refund policy.

    However, if you run into any difficulties with using A Year of Self-Care or aren’t getting the most from it, pop me an email: saloni@salonichamberlain.com and I’ll get back to you asap.

  • After purchasing A Year of Self-Care: The Ultimate Guide and Journal, you'll have lifetime access. You can revisit the materials whenever you need a dose of self-care inspiration and support.

  • By committing to A Year of Self-Care: The Ultimate Guide and Journal, you can expect to experience a profound transformation in your mindset, habits, and overall wellbeing. Over the course of the year, you'll cultivate healthier self-care habits, deepen your self-awareness, and rediscover the joy and vitality that comes from nurturing yourself with love and intention.

Are you ready to make space for you in your life?